Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Get People to Visit Your Blog or Website

I found some very helpful information on Google about what they are looking for when they rank your pages and websites.  All of us who write blogs or publish content on the web want it found in the searches as close to the top of page one as possible.  The mystery to many of us, particularly those of us who are solo entrepreuners focused on our artistic creations, is how does this happen?

I have read a lot on this regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media, etc.  Today I found this Guidance to Building High Quality Sites with the help of a site called Social Media Today.  It is written by  Sharon Tisdale-Reis.  She talks about Panda, one of the newer releases by Google.  While SEO is important, many other things have gained in importance.  Does your site inspire trust, likeability, a concern for quality and fresh approches to topics shared?

If you write a blog or publish a website, I would love to know what your thoughts are.  Do you have any hints to share with us regarding getting your site seen by others? 

Oh, and I just had to share this delightful photo two pandas in the snow!  Aren't they totally cute?


  1. Amazing article and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier topics as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!
    Lakhani Collection

  2. James,
    I am glad to hear that this was helpful to you. There is so much to learn from one another about all of this.

    Have a good weekend.


Please feel free to leave me a comment or share something new. I would love to hear from you.


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