What an adventure and huge undertaking that was. Papa is retired, but I needed to find full time work in Fort Collins that would approximate my income at the job I had in St. Louis. We prayed about this, and I asked the Lord to either open the door wide to allow us to make this move, or if it was not the right thing for us to do, I asked that the door be strongly shut, slammed, in my face. God is so good. I sent out about three resumes total. The one position for which I thought I was best qualified was the one for which I interviewed over the phone. I was offered the job a few weeks later. I now work for Poudre Valley Health System in Fort Collins, CO. It is one of the best places to work in Colorado. It won the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award for 2008. This is a very high honor and is indicative of the commitment they have to provide patients with the best possible care and provide their employees with the best possible work environment.
I have worked there full time since January 11 as the Clinic Compliance Risk Analyst. This is truly the best place I have worked, and I have been in the workforce for well over 20 years.
Needless to say, the physical move to Colorado and the attention to my new position left me with little to no time to create jewelry or to blog about it. In addition, a major health issue intervened. More about that tomorrow.
Here are some photos of Papa and Grandma with Maggie.

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