
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Greeley Arts Picnic - a Fun Sunday

Do you like to attend arts and crafts fairs?

I do!  This weekend the city of Greeley, Colorado hosted their annual Arts Picnic.

This is always in late July, and I have gone to it for the last four years.  Usually it is blistering hot, and it totally poops me out.  The weather this weekend has been unseasonably cool.  Bill and I went there today, and the temperature was around 75.  So perfect!

A little history

Greeley is the county seat for Weld County Coloarado.  My town of Severance is in Weld County.  It is about a 25 minute drive to Greeley from my house.  By the way, the town was named for Horace Greeley, and their newspaper is the Greeley Tribune.  Horace Greeley founded the New York Tribune, and Nathan C. Meeker who was a writer for Horace Greeley on the New York Tribune founded the Greeley Tribune in 1870.  OK- I certainly have digressed from my purpose of sharing the Greeley Arts Picnic with you.

Events at the Greeley Arts Picnic

When we got to the park, Bill took a seat in the audience of one of the three stages at the park.  The first group he saw perform were some belly dancers.  Not traditional fare at this type of festival, but it was very enjoyable.

I made my way around the arts and crafts area while he watched the entertainment.  There were over 150 artists there today.  There was a man on stilts, and a man making fun balloon creations.  There were food vendors.

I only made one purchase from a wonderful jewelry artist I found there.  Her business is Marvel Rouge, and she has a shop on Etsy.  This artist uses vintage pieces of jewelry along with new findings to create beautiful new jewelry.  I find her work to be refreshing and delicate.
Here are the earrings I purchased from her.

In addition, her packaging and her business card are unique.

It was a fun day at the Greeley Arts Picnic.  Tell us about a favorite festival you attend.

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