
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Valentine's Day Jewelry Live Event

I am so pleased that I have been invited to submit photos of some of my Filigree Romance jewelry to Mona Hair for her Live Event broadcast on NowLive. This is an internet based video broadcast, and you can listen to it at Please join her on January 18 at 12 pm PST, 2 pm CST or 3 pm EST. She will be featuring a number of jewelry designers on this show. You will need a userid to join the broadcast. Go to to sign up. You can also call into the show to comment by clicking on the Call Show button and following the system instructions.

Mona may be featuring some of the following pieces from my Filigree Romance shop.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Jewelry Marketing Successes

Sometimes I have trouble seeing how far I've come because I can see how far I still have to go to meet my goals. Does that ever happen to you? If you are creating handcrafted jewelry and selling it, do you feel like you are succeeding at what you want to accomplish?

When I look at the numbers and all the time I put into trying to sell my jewelry, I sometimes get discouraged. So I decided to stop and look back over 2008 to see what I did in the last year. I was pretty surprised!
  • I doubled my overall jewelry sales last year from the year before. This was combined online, craft show and word of mouth sales.
  • I started this blog.
  • I redesigned my website, and now publish it via a different web host.
  • I redesigned one of my Etsy shops, to focus on Filigree Romance jewelry
  • I joined ShowMeEtsy, an Etsy street team, and participated in one of their craft sales.
  • I've tried a little bit of social networking.
What are your successes? Please leave comments to share them. Celebrate your successes!

A few items I sold this last year:

Saturday, January 3, 2009

We're Walking for Health this New Year

It's that time of year when we all resolve to eat right and exercise to lose weight and get fit. I am finding that I enjoy walking. My daughter gave me an IPod Shuffle for Christmas, and what a fabulous gift that is for me. Now I walk down the road or on the tread mill and listen to my favorite music. It's great!

I'm looking forwards to the spring when the landscape starts to get green. That is when I really enjoy taking my walks outdoors. I designed these earrings with the colors of the grass and trees in mind. They are called Down the Road.